
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

3 Retro Obsessions for the Week April 1 - April 7

1) Shel Silverstein - So I am a big kid. Really, can you pass these books without picking them up and reading them. We all could go back and learn from these stories. Sure Dr. Seuss had the market, but Shel Silverstein is like the alternative to green eggs and ham. That is saying a lot.

2) Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf - Because who doesn't like singing "I smell like I sound."

3) Pretending like I'm playing $25,000 Pyramid with people who don't know what i am doing - "Look at me, You put me on cereal and I'm Branded with an date on the side of me" - me "That will be $14.75. Paper or Plastic"- checkout girl. Damn, Thanks Dick Clark!

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