
Sunday, November 13, 2011

My top 5 Price is Right Sound Effects

I spent years watching The Price is Right. I would love staying home from school, just to watch people "come on down." The games, the lights and the sound effects got me every time. Here is my list of my favorite music/sound effects from the price is right.

5 Bing - Whenever a price or number would pop up in a game, this sound would happen.

4) Showcase wheel beep - Loved that wheel and when you would spin it fast... Beep beep beep beep

3) Cliffhanger game - The music as the Cliffhanger would march up that mountain was classic.

2) Loser Horn Buzz - Got something wrong you heard this horn.

1) The Theme song - Those doors would open and that music would play. You knew you were in for a great hour.

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